The Complex Commercial Litigation Review

A truly distinguished roster of leading practitioners contribute to the third edition of the complex commercial litigation review. The authors of this publication are from among the most widely respected law firms in their jurisdictions. Their practices run the gamut of complex commercial litigation experience, and the home jurisdictions about which they write span the world’s geography. We hope you will find their experience invaluable and enlightening when dealing with issues arising in commercial litigation in your own experience or practice.

The authors report on core principles and recent developments in the law of Cyprus concerning the same set of fundamentally important legal issues likely to feature in complex commercial disputes, wherever they may arise. These issues include contract formation and modification; contract interpretation; breach of contract; defences to enforcement; fraud, misrepresentation, and other claims impacting contracts; dispute resolution; and remedies. The emphasis is on the law and practice of each jurisdiction, but discussion of emerging or unsettled issues is included where appropriate.

Whether you are a corporate counsel, a business executive, a private practitioner or a government official, and whether you are facing litigation or arbitration of a commercial dispute, negotiating a contract with an eye toward minimising litigation risk, contemplating how best to prevent, manage, or resolve disputes, or simply interested in learning more about this important area of law as related by seasoned and savvy practitioners, we hope you will find this volume informative, instructive and enjoyable.