Angelos Onisiforou successfully completed and passed the Diploma in Vat Excellence #DiVE of the Chelco Vat International Academy! DiVE is by far the best professional course in the market that spans over a period of 10 months taught by the guru of #VAT in Cyprus Mr. Alexis Tsielepis. It is indeed one of the few courses if not the only one that takes its participants in a dive journey directly into the core of the most complex tax legislation. Once again thank you Alexi for being an excellent leader and for unravelling DiVE and the VAT legislation in such comprehensive and masterful manner!

Angelos commented: “My appreciation and graditute to Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC and our managing partner Mr. Stavros Pavlou, FCIArb, Bsc (Econ), Barrister, TEP for providing me with this incredible opportunity to expand my knowledge!! ”

Congratulations Angelos!

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